Portage Lakefront

Before you decide where to launch, please see information on the safety page. And don’t forget to wear your lifejacket!

Under normal flow conditions, this section can be paddled upstream and back without much difficulty. When paddling upstream from either access point, take the first left turn into the East Branch of the Little Calumet (the right branch is the West Branch of the Little Calumet), and paddle upstream as far as you care. The multiple branches you will reach (from right to left) are Salt Creek, the Little Calumet, and a cooling water discharge from the Arcelor Mittal Steel plant. You will run into logjams on both Salt Creek and the East Branch Little Calumet, and can portage around those if feeling adventurous. When done exploring, turn around and head back to your starting point.

Skill Level: Novice to Intermediate
Type: Canoe or kayak
Conditions: Deep and wide
Length: 3.5 miles
Need to Portage: N/A

Access Points:

Portage Lakefront and Riverwalk

Amenities: Accessible, Pet-Friendly, Picnicking, Restrooms/Portable, Swimming Beach
GPS Coordinates: 41.631519, -87.177822
100 Riverwalk Dr., Portage


Portage Public Marina (Sammie L. Maletta Public Marina)

Amenities: Restrooms/Portable
GPS Coordinates: 41.618245, -87.174134
1200 Marina Way, Portage

Under normal flow conditions, this section can be paddled upstream and back without much difficulty. When paddling upstream from either access point, take the first left turn into the East Branch of the Little Calumet (the right branch is the West Branch of the Little Calumet), and paddle upstream as far as you care.