East Branch Little Calumet
The East Branch offers paddlers up to 17 miles of a mostly gently flowing, winding stream through varying ecosystems - small, quiet, tree-lined passages, a marsh, alternating wetlands and hardwood forests, winding through deep ravines, a few light rapids, and even a protected beach on Lake Michigan. With nine landings, paddlers can choose from a variety of possible trips.
History of the East Branch
What we know as the East and West Branches of the Little Calumet River,t and Grand Calumet River, were once one great river. It was formed at the southern end of Lake Michigan by the retreating glaciers 14,000 years ago. The river began in the moraine area of LaPorte County, Indiana, and threaded its way west to present day Blue Island before doubling back east to enter Lake Michigan at Miller Beach in Gary. Its watershed encompassed hundreds of square miles of rich woods and wetlands. Abundant fish and bird life fed the Potawatomi and other Algonquian-speaking people who lived here.
Starting in the early nineteenth century, numerous interventions along the 100+ mile length of the river diverted water and reversed the flow so that the river no longer made it to its outlet in Gary. Only the East Branch – from Red Mill Park near LaPorte to Portage Lakefront – remains anything like its original state.
Fortunately for paddlers and others interested the natural environment, much of the land along the East Branch is preserved by Indiana Dunes National Park, Shirley Heinze Land Trust, and other public lands. The section from the Heron Rookery east of Chesterton, through Porter, Burns Harbor, and Portage, offers paddlers and hikers an unparalleled chance to experience the river and its wildlife.
Paddling the East Branch
Before you decide where to launch, please see information on the SAFETY page. Check our RECENT CONDITIONS page. And don’t forget to wear your lifejacket!
Dale Engquist to Wykes-Plampin Preserve [3.0 miles]
East of Chesterton, this shallow section of the river connects two protected preserves while passing through private property. Stay off private land and bridges.
Wykes-Plampin to Keith Walner Preserve [3.4 miles]
After passing under two bridges, follow the signs to enter the swamp. Pull your boat over the large beaver dam. The swamp is very shallow in dry weather. Most paddlers should walk their boats down the rapids under SR-49 on the left side.
Keith Walner Preserve to Howe Road [3.0 miles]
This forested section includes private, public and protected woodlands until reaching US-20 where you enter the National Park. Intermediate access points are at Waverly Road and US-20.
Howe Road to SR-149 [2.8 miles]
At Howe Road, paddlers begin the most scenic sections of the river, and also the most remote. You will only see one footbridge for the Calumet River Trail and a railroad bridge until you reach SR-149. There, you must exit over a rock barrier until a planned launch is installed later in 2024.
SR-149 to Portage Lakefront [4.6 miles]
A quarter mile after the SR-149 landing, paddlers must portage around the Linde Dam on left side. The river continues generally west in the wildest, most twisting and deepest sections. Before entering the straightened Burns Waterway section, explore Salt Creek to the south as far as the rapids at I-94. You can take out on the beach at Portage Lakefront which is protected by a breakwall.
Landing Locations
1 Dale Engquist Preserve On 1300N, west of 450E, Chesterton, IN. Parking available.
2 Wykes-Plampin Preserve. On Brummitt Rd., south of Indian Boundary, Chesterton, IN. Parking available. Extra parking in school lot.
3 Keith Richard Walner Preserve West Taylor St, Chesterton, IN Parking available.
4 Waverly Road Bridge 490 Waverly Rd, Porter, IN. Closed for construction.
5 US-20 Bridge 490 North Mineral Springs Rd, Porter, IN Limited parking.
6 Howe Road Bridge. 733 Howe Rd, Porter, IN. Park pass required
7 SR-149 Bridge. Westport Rd. & Riverside Dr, Burns Harbor, IN. Under development.
8 Sammie L Maletta Public Marina. 1200 Marina Way, Portage, IN. Parking available.
9 Portage Beach. Portage Lakefront, Portage, IN. Park pass required
Map of the East Branch Little Calumet
The map below shows the landings and principal bridge crossings. Note that North is on the left.
To see a brochure including a full size map with north at the top, click here.
This map was produced with help of a generous grant from Indiana Dunes Tourism.